Friday, June 18, 2010

Failed love: What most call it.

Things never go as planned,and that's the beauty of life it's unexpected.
Love is something that you have to work at everyday,
it's not for lazy people.If you fail to work at it,
then you lose it maybe not instantly,but slowly.
In the beginning it was so pure and perfect,
things went just as they should,
suddenly we hit a rough patch,
maybe i could've done something to prevent
it,but it doesn't excuse your harsh actions.
You see when i make mistakes i own up to
them,so why is it that you try to flip
the blame on me?You are not a perfect
being,nor am i.We seemed to move forward
and got things back somewhat the way they were,
but not everyone was so forgiving,you scarred me.
I whole heartedly forgave you but i never forgot.
And then you left...when you left,it was
one of the hardest things i ever had to do,
to tell my one lover "see you later",we
promised never to say "good-bye",
because "good-bye" seemed like it
meant "bye" for forever.
Somewhere during that time things shifted
drastically,i felt you changing,and i tried
my hardest to accept that people change
and you would always have that southern
sweetness,and innocence i fell in love with.
Time passed and things got worse.
And our love felt like it was coming to an
end,you decided to end it.
This was the first time i felt such a pain
in my heart,it was as if a knife was
stabbed and twisted deep in it,repeatedly.
We tried our best to be just friends but that was
something we never mastered,we never learned
how to be just friends,after loving one another the
way we did.Maybe that was the way it was meant to be,
maybe we weren't supposed to be just friends.
So we gave it another go and it seemed
to be as good as ever.And shortly we had a falling
out,but we were no stranger to this process.
After a while it became tiring and it was over.
Then again we were inseparable,and gave it a go.
Then the unthinkable came,you hurt me
in a way that i could never express to you.
You the one i trusted with everything,
stabbed me in the heart and burned the knife
while it was in there,the news i received...
it was unbelievable,the one who i had
loved for so long,my best friend and who i
thought was my ride or die,lied and had
other plans,but instead of sticking to the honesty
and openness we promised to always have with each
other you chose to deceive and treat me as
if i broke your heart or was some girl who
meant nothing to you.suddenly i realized that
you couldn't have loved me and never did love me,
or at some point you stopped,and neglected to tell me.
And reality set in that this is it,forever and ever,
you will never be mine,and i will never be yours because i could
never ever trust you the way i used to.
You were now a liar,and just like every other
guy,who you swore wasn't you,you were
in fact worse than all the others.
And so they say "The hottest love has the coldest end."
This is indeed true,and sad because what i
thought was my fairytale and prince charming
wasn't and he was never mine to have.
So i told myself let him go,forgive and move on
but don't forget,never forget the wrong he has
done to you,because it is wisdom for future
relationships.One day i will find my prince
charming and he will be everything you're not.
Until then i'm living life,without the stresses of
a relationship.We had it all for a moment
and then we lost it..then you lost it,you threw it away...
you let go and tried to hold on at the same
time,but now i am letting go,
and i will no longer hold on to what is not meant
to be.So good-bye my once lover,good-bye
my once friend,good-bye forever.

This is not a failed love because it was once love,
it was love to me and it just didn't work out,
i think of it as an attempted love that didn't
quite finish it's book.


  1. Wow, girl this is so good.
    and i'm glad you expressed every feeling and detail you felt about the relationship.
    things will get better and you're prince will come this was just a stepping stone to something greater.
    love you twinie!!

  2. haha
    omj you're my first blog comment!!i'm so glad that you enjoyed it.this really helped me release,like all the bottled up emotions and thoughts i had,i just let them out.yes,i'm praying things will get better and you are so right i will find him one day,i'm just patiently waiting for him.NO MORE SETTLING.ha this is def a step in the right,to something much greater.

    I love you more TWINIE!!<3

  3. First of all, you need to get the facts straight. Stop fooling these people telling only one side of the story. When my fam tried to be with you and make it work, your dad wasn't hearing that. Oh yes, I was at his graduation party when your folks came over and tried to start drama. Just to let you know, God sits high and looks low and he takes care of us all, not just you. So keep it 100. My fam tried everything to be with you and no he is not a scrub. He is an intelligent, God-fearing young man that is in college making something of himself. He comes from a good family where we all worked hard to put ourselves through school and be successful. Its a shame that you would create a blog and bash him. With so many of our young men dead, in jail, and throwing their lives away, you found one good one and you still choose to tear him down. Just because your relationship does not work out with someone does not mean that you have to degrade them and attempt to make them look bad so you can feel better. Relationships do not always work out and I hope you learn that as you mature. I find it hard to believe that he was the worst boyfriend you ever had and hopefully you have not had that many. Instead of you devoting an entire blog to something negative, focus on something more positive. Its perfectly okay to pour out your emotions in a healthy fashion such as journaling, but make sure they come from a good place in your heart, not out of resentment, because in the end, you will continue to hurt while the other person has moved on. I wish you much success and I hope you learn one day that it is not necessary to tear another human being down because things don't turn out the way you had hoped. You are a beautiful person and I'm sure you will find true love one day. But remember, you will miss the opportunity if you are bitter. Please read Genesis 50:20. It may help you out a lot in your journey of life. In a nutshell it says that when others attempt to tear us down, God uses that to elevate us to another place that is better than where we were. That is how I feel about my fam. He is definitely in a better place. God Bless.
