Saturday, May 29, 2010


People change constantly sometimes it's noticeable and other times it's not.
It's something that can't be controlled,because it's life.
When you think you know someone,you really don't.
There is no way to know everything about someone.
You know what they want to tell or show you.
Which is why it's so shocking finding out something you didn't know about them.
Whether it's good or bad.
Change can make people grow apart or become closer.
When change turns for the worse,is when things go sour,
because we all want to believe that we can change them for the better.
Ex: They start turning into the person they swore they'd never be and you
swear to yourself that you can change them back, but that is impossible.
People only change when they're willing to.
They have to want to better themselves.
All you can do is try to adjust to their changes.
Try and make it work,though it might be difficult.
And if you feel that it isn't the same or getting worse,
you have to make the decision to leave or stay.
Even if it might hurt that person,do what is best for you.

"It's better to be unhappy alone, than unhappy with someone."

-Marilyn Monroe

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